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We're a Good Fit if:

1. You’re looking for care outside of the allopathic medical model.   

We offer an integrative approach, combining the 'tried and true' methods of vitalistic medicine with cutting-edge technologies, with the goal to support your body's innate healing wisdom and natural order of healing itself.


2. You’re Open to a Holistic, Whole-Person Approach

You understand that we focus on treating the root cause of imbalances rather than merely addressing symptoms. This includes working on emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

3. Commitment to a Wellness Journey. 


Healing takes time and requires active participation. If you’re willing to invest time and effort into making lifestyle changes and following through with recommendations, we will guide you on this journey.


4. You Believe in Preventive Health and Natural Therapies

You are interested in preventative care and exploring natural, alternative therapies that support the body’s innate ability to heal, rather than waiting for health crises.


5. You’re Ready to Be Empowered with Knowledge

We educate our members on how their body works and how to maintain health long-term. This includes being open to learning and applying new knowledge.


6. Respect for Non-Allopathic Guidelines

We operate under Traditional Naturopathic principles, outside the conventional healthcare system. Our tribe operates with tribunal oversight, outside of state licensure, and follows a different set of practices that may not align with allopathic or state-mandated standards.


7. Open-Mindedness to Non-Traditional Tools

You’re open to integrative modalities such as frequency-based therapies, biofeedback, light therapy, foot detox, and metabolic assessments as part of your care.


8. You Understand that Results Vary

Every body is unique. The healing process and outcomes can differ from person to person. We offer customized care based on individual needs and preferences.


9. You’re Comfortable Joining Our Membership Model

Our tribe operates as a membership-based model, offering access to services and care outside of conventional insurance models. Becoming a member means you’ll receive personalized and attentive care within this framework.


10. Willingness to Honor the Principles of Natural Law

You align with the principles of nature, respecting cycles, seasons, and how they influence your wellness. This includes respecting the sovereignty of your body and the environment.


11. You Seek Collaborative Care

You’re open to collaborating with other practitioners or modalities when necessary. While we do not operate within the allopathic system, we believe in an integrative approach that may include referrals for specialized care when appropriate.


12. Confidentiality and Trust

We create a safe and private space for your healing journey, and we expect mutual respect, confidentiality, and openness in communication.

What is the Allopathic Medical Model? The allopathic medical model, often referred to as conventional or Western medicine, focuses on diagnosing and treating symptoms and diseases primarily through the use of pharmaceuticals, surgeries, and other interventions that aim to combat or suppress specific symptoms or conditions. It operates within a framework of standardized protocols, lab tests, and acute care practices. Symptom-Oriented: Primarily addresses and manages symptoms rather than underlying causes. Pharmaceutical & Surgical Focus: Relies heavily on medications and surgical procedures for treatment. Regulated by State Licensure: Practitioners such as doctors, nurses, and specialists operate under state or federal licensure with standardized guidelines. Insurance-Driven: Treatments and interventions are often determined by what is covered by insurance providers. This model contrasts with naturopathic, holistic, and traditional approaches, which seek to address the root cause of health issues and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Today's science and labs provide valuable insights into ones state of health. Ancient medical wisdom offers the depth of knowledge and avenues of healing. Paired together, the two sets of methodologies merge into one holistic healthcare system.  



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